
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration


Hey everyone! Its been a couple months since I wrote a post, so I decided to summarize everything in a fun video! In summary, I’ve committed to relaunch with WR for 11 months in August 2021, but! If you glance at my fundraising bar–I’m not fully funded anymore. Due to serving in the first 3 countries, emergency flights, and one-time payments, I will need to raise $6,000 to return to the field. Fundraising is a lot of work and international travel is still so uncertain right now! Therefore, I’m not going to release the details about the route I’ve chosen AND I won’t begin fundraising UNTIL January–because I want to give you guys only information we can be confident about moving forward. Honesty is extremely important to me–and I want each of you to know that I take your trust and support very seriously. 

Other News 

Now that my job(s) and the ‘rona frenzy has stabilized, I’ve decided to start visiting my ministry partner churches during the months of October and November, to thank them for their support and be able to share video/pictures and stories of how we got to partner with God abroad earlier this year! YOU GUYS MADE THIS POSSIBLE–though obstacles have prevented me from visiting you all so far–I will not let obstacles keep me away from testifying about what God has done and continues to do around the world! I am EXTREMELY EXCITED to see as many of you as I can on these Sundays! 

October 11th: Holton First Baptist Church

October 18th: Sterling First United Methodist Church

October 25th: Netawaka Immanuel Lutheran Church

November 1st: Soldier Christian Church

November 8th: Holton First United Methodist Church

November 15th: Camp Creek and Lancaster United Methodist Church

November 22nd: Circleville Methodist Church

Prayer Requests:

1) At the refugee school we were helping with in our 2nd month, now that they are not meeting in person, many caretakers (parents, grandparents, extended family, no one) are requiring their daughters to marry instead of going to school. We’re talking girls that should be in middle school are entering arranged marriages and ceasing their education due to ‘rona. Specifically we are praying for a miracle for a student named Sumiya. The man has already arrived where her and her grandmother live, and will live with them until the wedding happens at the end of this month. Stella (our host) and Sumiya have pleaded with the grandmother to not let this take place… but to no prevail. Sumiya is not allowed to leave the house. Please join Stella in her prayers for Sumiya. 

2) The school we were helping at in Indonesia has also closed. Dessi (our host) said, “Our school is still closed. We have lost donors, so we pray that we can start next year with a new system to help teacher’s salaries. The kids must pay more for it. I’m sad about that, but I believe that God will bless them more!” Please pray for these teachers that are not working and earning salaries right now, and Dessi as the organizer of this school. 

3) My third prayer request is for my dear friend Em, my squadmate earlier this year, who lives in Australia. Her state is still in lockdown, and it has been for 7 months. 7 MONTHS! She has only seen 4 other people besides her family during that time–Australia’s lockdown is really strict. Please pray strength and life and hope for her. That she would feel God’s immense adoration for her, and His nearness. 

Thank you! I hope to see many of you soon! What did you find most interesting about Thailand? Will you be at any of those church services? What has living through a pandemic taught you? Excited about us relaunching? Let me know in the comments below!

12 responses to “HI. Update Video Inside! : )”

  1. So excited about your relaunch!!!
    This is the good work for which God has prepared for you before the foundation of the world. Go girl!

  2. Loved your thoughts on your video. You have a good way of demonstrating the truth of God in your life. And your love for people shines through!

  3. Miss you!!! Love you and love hearing your update and continued heart and faithfulness and drive to share the Gospel And follow your passions!

  4. Kaitlynn: What an amazing journey you’ve been on. Who would have thought what you would get to experience when you first started (besides God, of course)! The lessons you’ve taken from this experience are really something special. Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to seeing you in just a few days!!

  5. I’m so glad that things are getting worked out. Praying for Sumiya, the school in Indonesia, and Em! Thank you for sharing those requests. Loved your video!

  6. Awwwwwwwwwwww! Thanks so much Hannah! I miss and love you too! Can’t wait to hear some of your stories soon–hopefully

  7. Terry, haha, I just had to laugh when you said, “who would have thought what you would experience when you first started”… oh my goodness… YA! It’s been the craziest life roller coaster I’ve ever been on, but still secure by God and supportive friends like you! What. A. Year. Haha.

  8. Kristaaaaaa! So sweet, thank you for praying for these friends and ministries who are so dear to me! I’m really looking forward to getting coffee with you & Lyndie this week!